The Only Mother Temple on the Continent of Africa.
The Only Mother Temple on the Continent of Africa. Baha’i temple in Uganda is the only one on the continent of Africa and is among the eight in the world. however, the Baha’i temples that are currently standing are continental temples for example in Australia, Germany, North America, India, Samoa, panama, Chile.
A Baha’i House of Worship is a place of the Baha’i Faith. It is also referred to by the name Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, meaning “Dawning-place of remembrance of God”.
Obligatory prayers
By 1951, English and Iranian reached Uganda and by 1952 there were almost 100 followers of Baha’i. The genuine reason for the construction of the Baha’i temple is, Kenya & chad had become followers so it awaken the desire to build the temple in Uganda.
Facts about the Baha’i temple
- Baha’i temple is a special building, a source of wonder to many.
- The temple has a special architectural design.
- it stands tall in the middle of the green pyramidal tower.
- Its made of tiny coated mosaic tiles from Italy that support the temple to stand upright.

However, they don’t allow photography, sermons and ritualistic ceremonies, only scripture texts, prayers and reflections. However, Baha’i believers and non-believers do enter and worship in the temple.
In the same way, the Baha’i symbol of the nine pointed stars draw the use of the Baha’i faith. lastly, Visit to tour & experience peace in one of the remaining Baha’i temple on the continent of Africa.