Bonobos are great apes like humans!
Bonobos are great apes like humans They are only found in in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where they live in the Congo Basin Rainforest – the second largest rainforest on the planet. They are peaceful, cooperative, and welcoming to newcomers. Bonobos are risky and could go extinct in our lifetime. We’re on a mission to stop that.
Facts about Bonobos
They are our closest living relatives
Bonobos were finally recognized as a distinct type from chimpanzees in 1933. Humans are more closely related to bonobos (and chimpanzees) than to any other animals alive today.
We share 98.7% of our DNA with bonobos
Females are in charge #Bonobos are great apes like humans
The ruling bonobo in any group is always a female. This is unusual in the animal kingdom. Only a handful of mammals are matriarchal. Bonobo females are smaller than males, Bonobos are great apes like humans but they bond together to maintain order in the group. If a male bonobo becomes threatening, the females use their strength in numbers to prevent him from hurting anyone.
They are masters of avoiding conflict #Bonobos are great apes like humans
Bonobos have evolved to avoid fighting – about anything. Researchers discovered that when a situation had the potential to cause conflict (such as two individuals competing for food), chimpanzees had an increase in testosterone, which is related to competitiveness, Bonobos are great apes like humans and bonobos had an increase in cortisol, which is related to stress. This stress response leads bonobos to seek social reassurance.
They have a lot to teach us
Bonobos are kind, intelligent, and playful — they embody the best side of humankind. By studying bonobos, we can better understand not only them, but ourselves.
Sharing is a way of life #Bonobos are great apes like humans
Research conducted at Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary has shown that bonobos are truly good Samaritans, Bonobos are great apes like humans perhaps even better than people. We prefer to help people we are related to, or people we know, rather than strangers. Bonobos feel empathy towards family and friends and love to share with them, but when given a choice, bonobos prefer to share food with strangers.
‘The Bonobo Handshake’ #Bonobos are great apes like humans
The main way bonobos calm stress is certainly original -they have sex, or more specifically, they use social sexual contact. To strengthen their relationships, Bonobos are great apes like humans females will rub their genitals together. If anyone in the group, male or female, is feeling stressed, anxious, or irritated, someone will run over and give them a ‘bonobo handshake.’ This kind of quarrel aim seems to be at the heart of their peaceful society.
They are risky type #Bonobos are great apes like humans
Nevertheless, Bonobos live in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and nowhere else on earth. However, they are victims of the illegal bush meat trade, Bonobos are great apes like humans which is driven by indigence. Meanwhile, hunters kill adult bonobos for their meat and sell the hurt orphaned babies as pets.
Home loss due to logging, and agriculture also threaten bonobos with death. No one is sure how many bonobos are left in the wild, but it could be as few as 5,000.